Marvel's Black Panther Review

Up until not too long ago, the term "superhero flicks" has been sort of a dirty word among film critics. Films in this category had been pejoratively described as childish, mindless, over the top, and sometimes excessively violent action show-reels designed to sell popcorn at the cinema. It often came with a dumb down story that couldn't hold up to close inspection and any good superhero movie that comes along once in a while are usually the exception, not the rule. Well, I suspect all this negativity is about to come to an end with the release of Marvel's Black Panther.

This movie tells the story of T'Challa, played wonderfully by Chadwick Boseman, the new Wakandan king whose throne was challenged when a conflict arose as to whether or not he should open up his country to give aid to those in need. This is a topic worth discussing indeed especially when we see on the news that refugees from the middle east are being turn away for fear of being infiltrated with potential terrorist. Closer to home, we also have humanitarian crisis in Myammar where Rohingya Muslims are being gradually displaced, chased from their home by their country's own military forces. Most of us Malaysians are lucky enough to be able to live in peace and prosperity, but this story allows us to put ourselves into the shoes of young King T'Challa. It prompts the question, what will we do about those who are in need of our aid?

Black Panther also tackled the gender equality issues we faced in society today by featuring various strong female characters who hold important roles in the Wakandan society. In Wakanda, women can be anything from royal guard, scientist, tribal leader, farmer, housewife to philanthropist or even freedom fighter. All of it shows what a truly gender equal society would look like. Like it or not, it is bold positive message like this that will empower girls to be more ambitious in the pursue their dream. Just as a little extra, it also shows that women doesn't necessarily have to be the usual damsel in distress for a movie to sell and it has the box office record to back it up.

If you are worried all the above points might make Black Panther a two hours long boring sociology discussion, you would be very wrong. At it's heart, Black Panther is very much still a fun superhero flicks with adrenaline filled action sequence and interesting, likeable characters. But what impressed me the most, is the fact that it has such a thought provoking story. It not only holds a mirror up to the society we live in today, but also suggests ways we as a society can improve.

As a fan of the superhero genre, I cannot overstate just how happy this movie made me feel. Along with Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Logan and Wonder Woman, I can now proudly say that the superhero genre is finally maturing. We have finally come to a stage where a good superhero movie is finally the rule, not the exception.


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