Do You Identify as a Malaysian? Why? Does It Matter?

Do you identify as a Malaysian?  This question stumped me. Obviously, I am a Malaysian, born in Kuala Lumpur, this nation’s capital. But country of birth aside, what does it even mean to be a Malaysian? What are the criteria here? How do we judge the Malaysian-ness in us all?
I feel like this is a rarely explored subject, in fact I don’t even know how to tackle this question. But let’s try it anyway. Firstly, a little introduction about myself, I am a Malaysian Chinese, of Hakka (on father’s side) and Cantonese (on mother’s side) origin. Let’s examine the culture that I have adopted.

I am fluent in four languages – Malay, English, Cantonese and Mandarin. 
My love for food knows no ethnic boundaries, be it Malay, Chinese, Indian or Western cuisine, I love it all (But if I really had to pick one, it would be Nasi Lemak with Rendang Ayam).  





I consider myself a liberal, secularist, and agnostic Buddhist. I strongly believe religion has no place in politics. 
I think moderation is the key to everything and I try to live my life following this line of thinking.

Based on the four aspect of culture above, I supposed my answer is yes, but only to a certain extend. While I can identify with most Malaysian culture, I do have some objection regarding the values held by some Malaysian, but that is a whole other topic altogether.

The final part of the question ask, does it matter? Why of course it does. This is a tough time to be a Malaysian. With bad news headlining the media (both old and new; printed and electronic) every day, to know that I can identify with other fellow Malaysian is a great thing, it gives me comfort by reminding me that I am not alone. Malaysians are not alone.


  1. Very thoughtful post there, Kah Weng. I especially like your last paragraph about what it means to be Msian even when times are tough at home. Definitely something to think about.

    Love the food pics, of course! What's a Msian if not a foodie at heart? :)

  2. I like how you have section your post, shows that you have put in some thoughts to it before writing them. Good job! And i couldn't agree more with you, am a hard core proud Malaysia foodie. Malaysia might have may flaws, but the food definitely compensate for that :)

    1. I actually thought of one post on I read on FB about how Malaysian can admit their country sucks in many respect, but not when it comes to food.


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