Analysing Art with D.A.I.J.

On last Tuesday class, we learned about the four elements of analysis of art, which is describe, analyze, interpret and judge. However, as the assignment deadline are getting closer, my own procrastination has come back to haunt me. Because of that, I skipped an entry last week. For this week's entry, I will attempt to compress the lessons I learned in both week into one post in the form of me attempting to use the four element of analysis to analyze one of my favourite painting in our central bank's gallery, which is Hoessein Enas's Nafkah (1987). Describe Nafkah is Malay for sustenance. Usually, the term "mencari nafkah" is used to mean earning a living and it is exactly what was depicted in this painting. A group of fishermen pushing their boat out to the sea to catch fishes, to earn a living. Although the specific location for this picture remain unknown, but the depiction still rings true for all the rural Malay fishing village. In the background...