On Parentage, Pride and Patriotism
In last Tuesday's class, we were given the question if " If you are not proud of your parents, will you still love them? ". This is a very hard to answer question for me, because I come from a traditional / typical Chinese family. In a traditional Chinese household, we rarely talks about touchy feely things like "love", instead we like to debate about the economies, sports, politics, religions, in fact we will discuss just about anything but love. (I could be generalizing here, but sila beruang dengan saya, thank you.) To answer the question, my answer would be yes, because family is something you don't get to choose, without them, I would not exist, and this blog would have to write itself. However, if you can read between the line, this question really has nothing to do with family at all, it has everything to do with something on a much larger scale, a country. A country is a strange concept, it is mankind's feeble attempt to lay claim on the land t...