100% Completion of The Phantom Pain
If past Metal Gear games can be likened to a movie, then Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain can be likened to a nine season long TV series, not the 8 episodes British season or the 12 episodes cable season, I'm talking full 22 episodes network television season. It took me almost 200 hours to 100% complete the game, now that is a long time, not just by Metal Gear standard, but by video game standard in general. Now that I am 200 hours wiser, I have more insight into the game, and I want to discuss about what's good and bad for an open world Metal Gear game. A Typical Length Metal Gear Story (Bad) Metal Gear Solid is a series renowned for its storytelling prowess. Mixing emotional story and comedy with well thought out, fully three dimensional character (I don't mean the polygon), touching on philosophies, political issue and anti-nukes message all the while fighting monsterly-sized robot in a true David and Goliath fashion. However, you will notice the story is all ...