
Showing posts from 2023

Making Sense of The Phantom Pain

It's been a while, and while the Snake Eater Remake is announced, I figure this will be a good time to talk about MGSV again. This time, I want to talk about a very interesting observation I made about this game, now I realized this theory sounds quite ridiculous but bear with me, here goes- A lot of the people who have played MGSV will tell you, that it is somewhat odd and unfinished. What is up with all these fake guns? Why is there so few boss fight and whatever boss fight is there is so boring? Why is the extra ops so boring and monotonous? Why is the open world so barren? Why does Chapter 2 felt rushed? Where is Chapter 3? Where is the missing episode 51?  It goes on and on and I don't think that this is an accident, not a result of Konami rushing to push the game out of the gate, not Kojima running out of budget halfway through and give up. Rather, I think this is all by design and it all has something to do with the main character, Venom Snake. Who Exac